Recently we submitted a paper to HESSD for discussing how Digital Twin can serve a better doing of Hydrology. As you can see below, we named the Digital twins for hydrology DARTHs. The discussion paper is:
and if you want to contribute with your opinion, the discussion is open until March 14. If you want to grasp quickly what DARTHs are, you can take five minutes to read to the previous post here (DARTHs cheat sheet).
As part of the review process, one of the reviewers, dr. Marc Hrachowitz (GS) that we thanks for his comments and suggestions, asked for giving examples of exiting modelling platform or systems that could satisfy part of the requirements that DARTHs, according to us, must have. However, the operation of judging elements of modelling systems of other researchers is always a slippery matter because one usually know just superficially what the systems provided by others actually do. Therefore I and co-authors have decided to issue a questionnaire where part of the questions are on characteristics that DARTHs should have. Developes and users are asked to answer about their systems or models so to have a first hand information. It could be noticed that we are not asking which processes the models aim to simulate because the hydrology (the physics, chemistry, biology) of the model is not actually the topic here. In the questionnaire the main topic is more about the infrastructure capability and some additional features that should be present.
As Authors of the paper, we know that our own systems do not satisfy the DARTHs' requirements and therefore don't be worry about if your system does not accomplish all. With the questionnaire we try to put a first brick towards them by trying to make researchers reflect on the steps they should do in future developments to converge to build a DARTH component.
The results of the questionnaire which will remain upon until March 14 2022 will be made public as supplemental material of the paper. The survey can be found by clicking on the image above.
You can view the partial results of the survey here.