Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Two possibile positions, if the right people show up

We are once again looking for exceptional individuals to join our team for PhD (3 years) or postdoc (2 years) positions.

Position 1: GEOframe-NewAGE System Application and Methodologies to build a Po Digital Twin

This role focuses on the implementation and application of the GEOframe-NewAGE system to the Po River Basin. You will assist the team in finalizing the calibration and analysis of the hydrology of the Po catchment for the period 1990-1991, with exciting outcomes expected in climatology, drought studies, and hydroinformatics applications. This project is not purely applicative as it may initially seem. It aims to encompass numerous methodological aspects and offers a wealth of research opportunities, along with the data needed to pursue them.

Position 2: Earth Observations and GEOSPACE System Development

This position focuses on integrating Earth Observations into the GEOSPACE system, with further development and applications in the Po River Basin and the Val di Non (Noce River catchment). The primary objective is to advance the integration of high-resolution remote sensing with hydrological modeling, while also improving our land-surface modeling capabilities. The role involves exploring and testing various transpiration models, incorporating increasing levels of physical realism and plant physiology to enhance model reliability.

We encourage interested candidates to explore my blog, where you’ll find detailed information about our working methods, the tools we use, and the philosophy we follow. An insightful candidate will recognize how well we might work together by reviewing the contents they find.

If you’re interested, please reach out to us at

Monday, October 14, 2024

Let's start with Permafrost and Freezing soil ! A selection of readings for beginners compiled by John Mohd Wani

It looks like we have a new students willing to work on Permafrost and Freezing Soil. So I asked to John Mohd Wani to gather a few introductory readings. Please find below the list, for others who would start to learn about this fascinating topic.

1. Recent advances in permafrost modelling
2. Permafrost distribution in the European Alps: calculation and evaluation of an index map and summary statistics
3. A statistical approach to modelling permafrost distribution in the European Alps or similar mountain ranges
4. GlobSim (v1.0): deriving meteorological time series for point locations from multiple global reanalyses
5. A robust and energy-conserving model of freezing variably-saturated soil
6. GEOtop 2.0: simulating the combined energy and water balance at and below the land surface accounting for soil freezing, snow cover and terrain effects
7. Statistical modelling of mountain permafrost distribution: local calibration and incorporation of remotely sensed data
8. Sensitivities and uncertainties of modeled ground temperatures in mountain environments
9. Mountain permafrost: development and challenges of a young research field
10. Permafrost and climate in Europe: Monitoring and modelling thermal, geomorphological and geotechnical responses
11. Transient thermal effects in Alpine permafrost
12. A method for solving heat transfer with phase change in ice or soil that allows for large time steps while guaranteeing energy conservation
13. Implementing the Water, HEat and Transport model in GEOframe (WHETGEO-1D v.1.0): algorithms, informatics, design patterns, open science features, and 1D deployment
14. Theoretical and numerical tools for studying the Critical Zone from plot to catchments
15. Theoretical progress freezing-thawing processes study
16. A sensitivity study of factors influencing warm/thin permafrost in the Swiss Alps
17. Application of Satellite Remote Sensing Techniques to Frozen Ground Studies
18. Derivation and analysis of a high-resolution estimate of global permafrost zonation
19. How Much of the Earth's Surface is Underlain by Permafrost?
20. Influence of snow cover on ground surface temperature in the zone of sporadic permafrost, Tatra Mountains, Poland and Slovakia
21. Influence of the seasonal snow cover on the ground thermal regime: An overview
22. Mapping and modelling the occurrence and distribution of mountain permafrost
23. Northern Hemisphere permafrost map based on TTOP modelling for 2000–2016 at 1 km2 scale
24. Numerical simulations of the influence of the seasonal snow cover on the occurrence of permafrost at high latitudes
25. Permafrost distribution modelling in the semi-arid Chilean Andes

Additionally, you can find well-documented information on the long-term state and changes of mountain permafrost in the Swiss Alps through the Swiss Permafrost Monitoring Network (PERMOS). Also, they have documented and compiled best practice recommendations for the long-term measurement of permafrost temperatures.

Finally the permafrost Glossary (old) that will give you the definitions of the permafrost related terms.

Don't forget to keep an eye on the International Permafrost Association (IPA) website for events and other stuff related to permafrost. Also subscribe to the Permafrost Young Researcher's Network (PYRN), that promotes the future generation of permafrost researchers under the patronage of IPA.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Rivers' Speech

Andrea Rinaldo is retiring. So young and strong I would say, he is only seventy  now  (seventy is the new forty, at least for him) and he will certainly continue to produce. Therefore the University of Padova is celebrating him on Friday, September 27 afternoon. He will talk about University and eventually some of his direct students, part of a family which now has grew wide and international, were asked to highlight for the general audience (in Italian) Andrea's research.  

My topic was, quite obviously, geomorphology and river networks. Clicking below the figure you can find what I prepared in Italian (pre-recorded video here). Below The  English version is here (pre-recorded video here). It is a short talk (8 minutes or so, but I hope that you like it)

A new way of discussing on the web with a distributed responsability

As many of you may know, recently, Jan Seibert issued an appeal to young hydrological researchers, advising caution when accepting invitations to become editors for review issues. In the past, these invitations were broadly distributed, but the results were often disappointing, leading to wasted time and effort. Demetris Koutsoyiannis, among others, raised opposing viewpoints, shifting the focus to the broader issues within scientific publishing and the influence large publishers can exert on the development of science.

This appeal was somewhat unusual for the AboutHydrology mailing list, which typically serves as an announcement platform, not a forum for discussion. Nevertheless, the topic quickly gained traction (considering the size of the community), with several prominent scientists contributing to the conversation. I eventually had to close the discussion within a day to prevent it from becoming overly repetitive. Despite its brevity, the conversation provided a good overview of the relevant perspectives.

### Key Takeaways:

1. Moderating a discussion list is surprisingly overwhelming.

2. A mailing list isn't the ideal platform for synthesizing differing opinions, but it can at least offer a quick overview of diverse perspectives on a given topic.

3. After a certain point, even well-informed and motivated contributions stop adding significant value.

4. Finding a suitable platform for discussion is essential.

5. A mailing list, despite its origins in fostering debate (like the old listserv model), is not the right tool for this anymore. Today, there are better alternatives.

Moderating such discussions is demanding, and moderators may not always have a vested interest in the topic. My proposed solution is a more distributed approach, where people can raise a question in a specialized application and share a link for feedback, allowing engagement without requiring users to join the application itself. The person who raises the question would be responsible for moderating that particular thread.

The ideal platform for AboutHydrology would be a tool designed for question pooling—something like an evolved version of *Klicker*, developed by the University of Zurich, where Jan works. *Klicker* allows questions to be posed and moderated, and users can respond via a shared link. This setup would allow the questioner to create a poll, share it on AboutHydrology, and gather feedback. At the end of the process, a report summarizing the responses could be distributed via the mailing list. While I have used the older version of *Klicker* with my students, I’m not yet proficient with the latest version.

Currently, one limitation of *Klicker* is that it doesn't seem to support direct interaction between users. However, here’s an example link to illustrate how it could work: [Jan’s opinion](

If anyone on the list knows of an alternative platform that might better suit this purpose, I’d appreciate recommendations and introductions to such tools.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Multi-model hydrological reference dataset over continental Europe and an African basin

Although Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) have been widely adopted as important metrics for guiding scientific and policy decisions, the Earth Observation (EO) and Land Surface and Hydrologic Model (LSM/HM) communities have yet to treat terrestrial ECVs in an integrated manner. To develop consistent terrestrial ECVs at regional and continental scales, greater collaboration between EO and LSM/HM communities is needed. An essential first step is assessing the LSM/HM simulation uncertainty. To that end, we introduce a new hydrological reference dataset that comprises a range of 19 existing LSM/HM simulations that represent the current state-of-the-art of our LSM/HMs. Simulations are provided on a daily time step, covering Europe, notably the Rhine and Po river basins, alongside the Tugela river basin in Africa, and are uniformly formatted to allow comparisons across simulations. Furthermore, simulations are comprehensively evaluated with discharge, evapotranspiration, soil moisture and total water storage anomaly observations. Our dataset provides valuable information to support policy development and serves as a benchmark for generating consistent terrestrial ECVs through the integration of EO products.

The paper was just accepted on Scientific Data ans the preprint can be found clicking on the Figure above. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The implementation of the GEOframe system in the Po river district – analysis of water availability and scarcity

In recent years, the frequency of extreme events like floods and droughts, which can cause severe environmental, social, and economic damage, has increased due to climate change and environmental alterations. In response to these challenges, the Po River Basin District Authority (AdBPo) initiated the implementation of the GEOframe modelling system across the entire district in 2021, in collaboration with the GCU-M (Gruppo di Coordinamento Unificato-Magre). The goal was to enhance the existing numerical models for water resource management, providing more accurate quantification and forecasting of spatial and temporal water availability across the Po River Basin, thereby improving overall planning and decision-making processes.

Additionally, a historical analysis of water availability was conducted in Valle d’Aosta and Piemonte, showcasing GEOframe's ability to simulate all key components of the water cycle, including evapotranspiration, water storage, snow accumulation, and water discharge. The implementation of GEOframe in these mountainous regions also underscored the critical role of snow and glaciers in determining water availability, particularly in the context of rising temperatures due to climate change. As a result, future developments of GEOframe will prioritize improving the modelling of these elements to better capture their influence on water resources in a warming climate. The short presentation given at IDRA24 can be obtained by clicking on the above figure.  The poster is available here. . 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

30-years (1991-2021) Snow Water Equivalent Dataset in the Po River District, Italy

This paper presents a long-term snow water equivalent dataset in the Po River District, Italy, spanning from 1991 to 2021 at daily time step and 500 m spatial resolution partially covering the mountain ranges of Alps and Apennines. The data has been generated using a hybrid modelling approach integrating the hydrological modelling conducted with the physically- based GEOtop model, preprocessing of the meteorological data, and assimilation of in-situ snow measurements and Earth Observation snow products to enhance the quality of the model estimates. 
A rigorous quality assessment of the dataset has been performed at different control points selected based on reliability, quality, and territorial distribution. The point validation between simulated and observed snow depth across control points shows the accuracy of the dataset in simulating the normal and relatively high snow conditions, respectively. Additionally, satellite snow cover maps have been compared with simulated snow depth maps, as a function of elevation and aspect. 2D Validation shows accurate values over time and space, expressed in terms of snowline along the cardinal directions. This paper hase been submitted to Scientific Data.  The preprint and all the indications to get the data is obtained by clicking on the Figure above. 

Friday, August 30, 2024

Those who are engineers or policy makers deep in their heart but live in Academia - IV

 It could be argued that a hydrologist is not merely a scientist but also a technologist or engineer who must manage water resources. This broader perspective expands the scope of our work to include the many aspects of life where water plays a crucial role—agriculture, urban planning, energy production, and more. Effective water management requires not only technical expertise but also the ability to address risks associated with floods, droughts, and the development of policies that consider the social dimensions of these challenges. Achieving long-term success in water management also demands the consensus and cooperation of the public, highlighting the importance of sociological considerations.

These technological aspects, often applied directly to end-users, rely heavily on the foundational processes that science has uncovered and translated into models. While it is common to build upon established scientific knowledge, it is also essential for practitioners to bridge the gap between basic science and practical applications. In many cases, this is not only convenient—such as when seeking grants and research support—but also necessary. The needs of society often dictate the direction of research, guiding scientists to gather and interpret the data required to address pressing issues. The current state of the art is particularly promising, as modern technologies have provided an unprecedented amount of data that must be harnessed effectively.
For academics, contributing new insights into these "more technical" but equally important topics remains a vital pursuit. Scholarly publications are expected to offer something novel, potentially groundbreaking, in their approach. Regardless the focus  being on technological/practical applications, scientific rigor, the appropriate use of tools, and the reproducibility of results are mandatory. For who wants to publish on these topics, the fundamental question always persists: Why is this work important? What is the ultimate goal?
Engineering big applications in water management encompass several critical areas, including the infrastructure for water discovery, transportation, and supply, as well as defense against water-related risks and their interactions with other hazards. These applications often transcend traditional engineering disciplines. Key concepts include adopting nature-based solutions and ensuring equity in both access to resources and protection from hazards.
When considering the broader implications of scientific advancements, it's important to recognize that certain tools and knowledge are often taken for granted. Consider the analogy of cooking: some individuals focus on building the kitchen and tools (the hardware builders), while others use these tools to create meals (the chefs). The goals of hardware builders differ fundamentally from those of the chefs. The chef's ability to prepare a dish is sometimes constrained by the availability of the right tools.
Personally, I identify more with the role of the hardware builder than with that of the chef. This distinction implies a different exposure to success. Those who rely on models created by others, utilize remote sensing products, or apply pre-packaged machine learning tools are akin to chefs, but not all are master chefs—many are simply preparing everyday meals. This is not the goal of academic life. Academics should be like chefs who meticulously select ingredients, create innovative dishes, and focus on addressing significant problems. In other words, academics are not just practitioners; they pave new paths for practice, improving lives and advancing society.
Though my focus lies elsewhere, I recognize that these new technological solutions in water management are well-suited for scholarly publications and will garner significant interest, given water's central role in Earth's ecosystems, life and human activities.
At every stage of the process, whether building or cooking, technical precision and attention to detail are paramount. Consistency is essential. Achieving the state of the art in any discipline requires years of training, engagement with experts, deep problem-solving, and continuous practice. As with any endeavor, success in hydrology engineering and related fields requires a blend of talent (1%) and discipline (99%). As someone once said, it's 99% sweat.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Those who aim to apply - III

 As a follow-up to my previous postsee also here and here, I'd like to share some additional reflections on the experience of doing hydrology in academia. I've attempted to classify different types of researchers, and below, you'll find the third part of this classification.

There are those who apply cutting-edge knowledge to case studies, which in turn reveal new and unusual dynamics. These cases should not be relegated, as often happens, to tedious and routine treatments where tools are taken for granted and hydrological models as commodities. Instead, they should be viewed as integral to the process of acquiring knowledge about the cases themselves and evaluating the effectiveness of the tools used to describe them. In these times, the ability to apply hydrological theories systematically to wide areas  open the gates to unprecedented knowledge of Earth system and its cycles well beyond episodic application of forecasting just to a hydrological event or two but trying to discern the whole hydrological behavior during droughts and floods and intermediate periods (the latter the more frequent indeed).

Examples of current applications in the standard include the use of legacy code, calibration procedures, and validation criteria. Significant academic efforts have gone into developing these codes and defining validation standards, primarily to steer clear of deep philosophical debates and unanswerable concerns from reviewers. However, as mentioned previously, building these tools is no simple task, and the process is lengthy and complex, one that you may not wish to pursue.
Can you publish any application anywhere? Certainly not. Or, if you do manage to publish it, it may simply become a drop in the ocean, unnoticed. As with any endeavor, the application must offer something novel.
This novelty lies in your ability to address fundamental questions such as: Is catchment hydrology a continuum of processes that cannot be disentangled? Can we instead identify functional components within catchments that explain spatial and temporal behaviors? Put differently, what are the dominant elements of catchment hydrology? Does the catchment exhibit specific features? What are the seasonal changes in the organization of hydrological flows? What are the effects of land use and land cover? What are the primary time scales of catchment responses (e.g., response time)? Are catchment responses variable across space and time? Where do models fail to provide reasonable answers (potentially indicating a new scientific pathway)?
The strength of a potential paper lies in the authors’ ability to thoroughly dissect some of these questions or explore other relevant aspects that I may not have considered.

Examples of noteworthy applications include those that generate new datasets made publicly available for future research. [[Sharing data and ensuring reproducible workflows are essential. No reproducibility? No publication. We can no longer accept impressive simulations and superior results that can't be replicated. That isn't science; it's, at best, storytelling—or as some might call it, vaporware.]] Another compelling example is large-scale applications on extensive river systems [[especially when these studies capture the hydrology of vast regions of the Earth, influencing numerous ecosystems and human communities]]. Papers that explore future scenarios with increasing reliability [[not just retrospective hindcasts, but predictive studies that anticipate future conditions and are subsequently validated]] are particularly valuable. Additionally, papers that integrate hydrology with ecosystem studies or catchment biogeochemistry stand out. As always, novelty is key.

Many argue that validating a model solely on discharge outputs is inadequate. If you agree with this perspective, it necessitates a commitment to a more rigorous approach.
Recently, I have strongly advocated in all our papers for the inclusion of a comprehensive water budget alongside the simulation of desired discharge levels. While this requires considerable effort, it significantly enhances the discussion around the consistency of the results.

If I were to fully indulge my preferences, I would no longer approve manuscripts that only replicate discharge results. Not anymore! If you share this view, you might consider updating your legacy codes to simulate and discuss the entire water budget, and possibly the energy budget. This ties into the research discussed in previous posts, highlighting the interconnected nature of our work.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Those who aim to model - II

As a follow-up to my previous post, see also here, I'd like to share some additional reflections on the experience of doing hydrology in academia. I've attempted to classify different types of researchers, and below, you'll find the second part of this classification.


There are those who hypothesize relationships, laws, models. In this context, statistical analysis plays a key role, even in its modern algorithmic forms, producing various models that uncover causal relationships and correlations. Possessing good mathematics skills avoid to be trivial and adapt your solutions to your ability (if you have a hammer, you tend to see any problem like a nail).  It is not an infrequent attitude in Hydrologist being impatient to get number and result as if the mathematics were a commodity. Any problem needs its mathematics. Opposite of the previous attitude, someone is in love with mathematistry, and try to impress people with unrequired complexity or concepts. Maybe they gain some paper on major journal but that will rarely be cited.   Where the proper use of mathematics  stands, is also the  good science that should be worthwhile to pursue.

Example of mathematics used in hydrology is the solution of partial differential equations like de Saint-Venant equation, Richards equation and groundwater equations with the additions of the Naviers-Stokes equations when transport in atmosphere is pursued. To these equations and their direct simplification, the heat transfer equation and various diffusion-like equation were intended to be the last word when dealing with the energy budget and various transport phenomena.

Their use was seen as a needed progress with respect to the use of empirical formula and supported in the famous blueprint by Freeze and Harlan, that however found several criticism and several defenders*.
While the previous description of the physics of the processes  was though as superior to empirical equation (mostly simple regressions) or closed formulas of pre-digital era, still it has often claimed that not the whole information contained in those equations was relevant to produce macroscopic estimator of the water budget (often just the discharge)   and only a few degree of freedom survive to the dynamics and the coarse graining that works in catchments. However,  not consistent proof was so far produced that could lead to the right simplification of equations or methods. [[Only the Witthaker / Gray integration methods, that have found just few factual believers. ]]
At the catchment scale, ordinary differential equations (ODEs) have remained the dominant mathematical framework. The prevailing idea is that a set of ODEs, potentially organized within a graph of interactions, can effectively capture most of a catchment's hydrological dynamics. However, no formal proof has yet been established to confirm that this state-of-the-art approach is universally consistent—its widespread acceptance is largely based on empirical success. What many don't realize is that the ODE approach can also be viewed as an integral part of the so-called Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (IUH) theories. These theories have recently experienced a resurgence, partly due to their intersection with new measurement techniques involving stable isotopes.

I wrote somewhere:

Aristotile had it all wrong. 
Dalton, Horton, Sherman and Leopold plaid the starting gong. 
Eagleson, Rodriguez-Iturbe went for a grand theory, in which they believe. 
Gideon and Ignacio (Vujica teachs) dated with randomness
Richards, Richardson, Harlan and Freeze insisted on using PDEs. 
Horton said the the runoff is infiltration excess, 
Dunne said that it is saturation excess, 
Hewlett and Hibbert said that overland flow necessary is not 
Tracers research screwed all it up. 
Darcy and Buckingham it is all matter of gradients they thoughts. 
Beven and Germann set up a mountain of doubts. 
And many, I forgot, I do not know
Now we do not really know what we know, 
except that we know more than before, 
better data we have
satellites see it all (but what you see you do not believe).  
Modelers give numbers, without caring 
machine learning thinks it can do all without understanding
and because we did not had it when we thought, 
they probably sing the right song

If you address the existing gaps in this theoretical framework, your work would be well-suited for publication. Similarly, if you introduce novel approaches in the application of PDEs, develop new models that combine ODEs and PDEs, discover innovative methods for parameter estimation, or invent new solvers, a new implementation of a known theory, previously neglected, your contributions would be highly valued and welcomed for publication.If you're truly ambitious, you might consider introducing a new branch of mathematics for describing phenomena—much like fractals, fuzzy logic, and other methods did about thirty years ago. Doing so could earn you a lasting place in the literature. Additionally, there's still significant potential in established fields like information theory and causal inference, which could be further explored and systematically applied, offering you the opportunity to gain recognition and influence.

The latest trend is undoubtedly centered around machine learning techniques, which have proven highly effective at replicating the behavior of hydrological systems—often without fully understanding the underlying mechanisms. Today, the field of machine learning is ripe for exploration, and there's ample opportunity to publish in this area due to its resurgence in popularity. However, papers that merely imitate existing work are unlikely to have lasting impact or relevance.

In reality, many of the approaches and models that continue to find their way into publications remain, even today, remarkably simplistic. I admit, I have been guilty of this myself. Examples include degree-day models for SWE estimation, outdated infiltration formulas, empirical methods for potential evapotranspiration, and basic time-based formulas for peak flows. These methods are often said to work, but only after episodic parameter calibrations and inadequate, narrow verifications. Wolfgang Pauli might have deemed these methods as "not even wrong," implying that they lack sufficient depth even to be considered incorrect. Dante might have consigned such papers to the ranks of the "ignavi," those souls unworthy of a place even in the circles of Hell.

If you manage to replace these obsolete methods with more robust alternatives, your work is certainly publishable.

Many professionals have built their careers by advancing technical aspects related to models and theories, such as uncertainty assessment, parameter calibration, and data assimilation. This is undoubtedly a viable path for a researcher, one that can lead to significant recognition. Moreover, there are several promising areas within stochastic hydrology, including groundwater studies, time series analysis, and forecasting. Although these areas may not align perfectly with my current focus, they represent fertile ground for research and development, and have recently seen a resurgence of interest.

*A NOTE:  The use of PDEs that actually were derived from the foundations od physics, let the door open to the fact that some aspect were simplified and some parameters of the equation have only a statistical significance. For instance in Richards equation, the soil water retention curves that play a fundamental role are equilibrium relationship between the water content and the chemical potential of water in soil that is realized when the system has the time to relax in order to the smallest capillaries fill first and empties last. There is a famous sequence of papers by Keith Beven treating some of this topics that you should recover (but not necessarily agree upon). So the supposed fundamental PDEs are sometimes not that fundamental and often depends on parameters that have the faint light of some slippery statistical significance. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Those who aim to discover - I

As a follow-up to my previous post, I'd like to share some additional reflections on the experience of doing hydrology in academia. I've attempted to classify different types of researchers, and below, you'll find the first part of this classification.

There are those who discover. This process involves observing data, identifying unexpected aspects of the water cycle and related sciences, and expanding the empirical base as progress is made. In this sense, science is also about keen observation and m uch of scientific work is conducted in this way. To better grasp this, consider the field of natural sciences. Hydrology is also a natural science and phenomena discovery, observation, classification is an important part of it. Today the field is positively contaminating a lot considering hydrology feedbacks with biology and geochemistry, ecosystems behavior. [[This does not mean that what has to be discovered is all in the interdisciplinary studies, many historical hydrological issues not having being solved yet.]]

Examples of discoveries in data present in literature are, for instance: the observation of self similarity (fractality) in many geophysical sciences which revealed a scale-free response of catchments and hydrologic systems which is not fully explained. Shifts in precipitation timing and intensity, increased frequency of droughts, or altered snowmelt patterns that significantly impact water availability and hydrological cycles in ways not previously anticipated. Anomalous runoff coefficients caused by the presence of karst or melting glaciers. Effects of human activities at various scales. Effects of groundwater water distribution and redistribution in the overall cycle and at various spatial scales. Different stress response of plants with respect to droughts. Unexpected old age of water in runoff  challenging the understanding of runoff production. Missing rainfall events, due to lack of space-time resolution of observations.  Fill and spill and other non intuitive and sometimes counterintuive phenomena in runoff. 

If what you see is new, you can easily publish it. But even if it is a confirmation of something new, you still can. I would distinguish "discover" from "measure". Measures, experiments and field observations have their own place and a different literature. 

It is clear that to discover in data the simple and literal observation is not enough. The help of some tools and some mathematics is necessary, even if researcher who excel in narrative capabilities and metaphor production exist and sometimes do without (do not follow their example if you are not a very gifted writer). 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

You want a tenure-track position ? (Sunday Thinking)

You embarked on this postdoc to advance your career and, ideally, secure a tenure-track position somewhere in the near future. But what strategy should you follow?
First and foremost, focus on building a solid publication record. Aim for about three publications per year—fewer if they're with a small number of co-authors, and possibly more if there are many co-authors. Prioritize publishing in reputable journals, preferably in higher citation quantiles, and ensure your work demonstrates a clear research trajectory and distinct academic personality.
It's also important to gradually differentiate yourself from your postdoc advisor. This could involve publishing with other colleagues or clearly highlighting your unique contributions in joint papers with your advisor. Aim to be the first or corresponding author, or the primary driving force behind at least 50% of your papers. However, remember to credit your co-authors appropriately—being selfish won't serve you well.

Managing your relationship with your advisor requires a delicate balance. Both you and your advisor need visibility and recognition, though your needs may differ. Learn to navigate this relationship to ensure mutual satisfaction while avoiding toxic dynamics.
Building a strong professional network is crucial. Be visible in your department and, more importantly, in the wider academic community of your subdiscipline. Engage actively by fostering collaborations, organizing events or sessions at major conferences, and contributing to departmental initiatives. Your advisor can support you in this, but it’s vital to establish connections with influential researchers who can later provide further strong and informed reference letters.
Mentoring students and giving guest lectures will enhance your visibility and demonstrate your ability to fulfill a professor's role. 
Seek funding early on. There are many opportunities, and securing funding not only proves your ability to thrive in the competitive research environment but also signals to potential hiring departments that you can bring in resources and enhance their reputation.
Overall, approach your job search with professionalism. This involves crafting a strong CV, preparing thoroughly for interviews, and respecting the time and resources of the institutions you're applying to—a principle that holds true for both PhD and postdoc candidates.

At the core of all this is doing good science—not just average work, though that is still honorable, but truly innovative and solid research on some topic where you can be reconigned as a  active contributor. This requires dedication, the right tools, intuition, and the capacity to recognize new opportunities while holding firm to your vision (do you have one?). Don’t sacrifice quality and originality for the sake of productivity (up to a point!).
While following trends might offer short-term gains, it won’t serve you in the long run. However, being overly rigid in this belief can also be a mistake, as science constantly evolves, and shifts in language and focus can quickly render even well-founded arguments to look obsolete. So, while trends shouldn't dictate your work, it’s wise to remain aware of them.

Everything works better if you find the right advisor (right is not the better, is the ones that fit with you).

Monday, August 5, 2024

Mumbai GEOframe School !

 We have just completed our effort with the GEOframe Mumbai Monsoon School, inserted in a larger initiative, of the GISE HUB which included one day long SCPP workshop on "Recent Advances in Hydrological Modelling" on 31st July. Besides being trained on GEOframe, hands on training on Dynamic Budyko model was provided by prof. Basudev Biswal (GS) and his postdoc  Prashant Istalkar. Lectures on the 31st July covered a wide range of topics including flood inundation modelling, socio-hydrology, land-surface modeling, climate-change impact assessment, machine learning models, and complex networks.

Great thanks to
Sumit Sen and Basudev Biswal for organizing the School. Hospitality was superb, discussions enriching and seeing the dedication and smartness of students an encouraging academic experience. We hope that the School will have follows up both at IIT and UniTrento and exchanges could continue in the future. For further information, see also the Linkedin post by Basudev here
The GEOframe material of the School is available to anyone and the slides and videos (when uploaded) will be available at the GEOframe blog page dedicated to the School.
The success of the School, from our side, is the outcome of many that are listed in this "people of GEOframe" presentation available here
For students who want to complete a personal exercise with GEOframe, the GEOframe team is available to assist. Upon completion, each student will receive a University of Trento T-shirt.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

A Ph.D. position on snow modelling and the related runoff production

 APPLY TODAY ! There is an opening until July 10 (<---Here it is the link) for a Ph.D. position on the SpaceItUP and SUPER project(Snow and glacier rUnoff Production in alpine RivER basins 1990-2050)

Due to climate change, the Alpine region is experiencing a reduction in snow quantity (snow droughts) and an increase in evapotranspiration losses (green water), with significant consequences for sustainable water resource management and ecosystem preservation. This project aims to develop new models to quantify snowmelt and evapotranspiration losses, providing practitioners with calculation tools that are different from traditional lumped parameter models but simpler than 3D process-based models. The project also intends to study the water content obtained from snow and glaciers, from the present to 2050, in the Po and Adige river basins, assessing both quantitative and temporal variations in contributions. The primary tools for the analyses will be the open-source models of the GEOframe system, integrated, modified, and improved by the new models. The modeling will be supported by the acquisition of Earth observation products derived from the MODIS and Sentinel platforms, and potentially other platforms as data becomes available. The final product of the research, concerning snow forecasts, will be developed on a regular grid of 250 meters, while flow rates will be produced for each section of interest. The analyses for the control period from 1990 to 2022 will be conducted on both daily and hourly scales, providing a valuable "reference data cube." Future projections will be produced on a monthly scale. As part of enhancing the current state of the art, which is typical for a doctoral project, reliability criteria and error estimation methods will be developed for each produced dataset. The work will be done in collaboration with dr. John Mohd Wani as co-advisor. Collaborations can include working and exchanging ideas with dr. Christian Massari (GS), Professor Manuela Girotto (GS), Prof. Stefan Gruber (GS), Giacomo Bertoldi (GS)Kelly Gleason (GS), Marco Borga (GS) and Stefano Ferraris (GS).
Old work on snow and permafrost of the group can be found here (to be updated soon).
 The deadline is approachinf very fast, therefore APPLY! To better understand the policies of the group, please give a reading here 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

How much snow is in the mountains and what is its fate? by Manuela Girotto

Water resources such as snow or groundwater can be estimated using satellite remote sensing observations and numerical models. Both models and observations have inherent uncertainties and limitations related to observation errors, model parameterization, and input uncertainties. A promising method to alleviate shortcomings in models and observations is data assimilation because it combines existing and emerging observations with model estimates, thus bridging scale and limitation gaps between observations and models. 

Using these tools, we can address the following science questions: How much water is stored as seasonal snow? How much is in the groundwater aquifers? Can we quantify hydrological changes due to human induced processes (e.g., irrigation)? This presentation will focus on the estimation of snow seasonal amounts in mountainous regions, the water towers of the world. They supply a substantial part of both natural and anthropogenic water demands and they are also highly sensitive and prone to climate change. Slides of the talk can be found by clicking on the above figure. 

The presentation was followed by an interesting discussion that you can see here below:

Sunday, June 9, 2024

On catchment analysis (modeling)

In a series of papers (Abera et al., 2016, Abera et al. 2017a, Abera et al., 2017b, Azimi et al., 2023), we have outlined a methodology for studying basins, focusing on specific locations BUT looking especially to the methodologies. They are also summarized in slides that I typically use in my hydrological modeling classes. These slides summarize the analysis requirements in seven key steps, supported by various notebooks that implement the methodologies.

Each time we begin a new catchment analysis, please ensure these methodological suggestions are considered. Overlooking them can be quite frustrating. Consistently revisit and apply the reference material to build upon previous work and past achievements. Criticize previous methods if necessary, but do not disregard them.
There are two critical steps that are often neglected. The first is data analysis—specifically, examining data coherence and comparing multiple data sources. This preliminary analysis can provide significant insights before any modeling begins, but it is rarely pursued. Instead, input data are directly used in the model, leading to issues later because something seems off.
The second neglected step is validation. There is a tendency to be satisfied with performance metrics like KGE or Nash-Sutcliffe, but these should be starting points, not final assessments. Other benchmarks, such as those proposed by Addor et al., (2018) should be used to critically evaluate the results, not just applied mechanically.
Recently, Azimi et al., 2023 introduced a more refined analysis method (called in future papers EcoProb), which allows for finer discrimination of model behavior by separating the ranges of response. This method should be considered for more precise analysis.
Additionally, since Abera (and likely earlier), we have tried to refocus our analysis on not just discharges but also on budgets. Understanding budget behavior can reveal significant insights and prevent errors, but it is often sidelined. We need to improve in this area.
Mapping is another crucial aspect. While we often rely on time series plots, spatial representation is essential to show the irreducible spatial heterogeneity. This is evident in soil moisture studies, such as the recent work by Andreis et al., and should also apply to other quantities like snow cover and depth.
I have worked with many of you to create effective graphs and maps. Using a full range of colors is beneficial, but please remember that some journals (AGU and EGU) require color-blind friendly plots. Address this requirement from the beginning to avoid last-minute modifications.

P.S. I - One distinguishing feature of GEOframe compared to other systems is its ability to explore multiple working hypotheses. Although this capability exists, it has not been utilized so far. Let's make full use of it moving forward.

P.S. II - When I read a paper from collaborators, I assume that all materials, including data, software, notebooks, and .sim files, are organized and shared as supplemental material for reproducibility. To achieve this, it is crucial to maintain order and keep the material up-to-date from the beginning. Otherwise, it becomes a nightmare.


Abera, Wuletawu, Luca Brocca, and Riccardo Rigon. 2016. “Comparative Evaluation of Different Satellite Rainfall Estimation Products and Bias Correction in the Upper Blue Nile (UBN) Basin.” Atmospheric Research 178-179 (September): 471–83.

Abera, Wuletawu, Giuseppe Formetta, Luca Brocca, and Riccardo Rigon. 2017. “Modeling the Water Budget of the Upper Blue Nile Basin Using the JGrass-NewAge Model System and Satellite Data.” Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (6): 3145–65.

Abera, Wuletawu, Giuseppe Formetta, Marco Borga, and Riccardo Rigon. 2017. “Estimating the Water Budget Components and Their Variability in a Pre-Alpine Basin with JGrass-NewAGE.” Advances in Water Resources 104 (June): 37–54.

Addor, N., G. Nearing, C. Prieto, A. J. Newman, N. Le Vine, and M. P. Clark. 2018. “A Ranking of Hydrological Signatures Based on Their Predictability in Space.” Water Resources Research 54 (11): 8792–8812.

Azimi, Shima, Christian Massari, Giuseppe Formetta, Silvia Barbetta, Alberto Tazioli, Davide Fronzi, Sara Modanesi, Angelica Tarpanelli, and Riccardo Rigon. 2023. “On Understanding Mountainous Carbonate Basins of the Mediterranean Using Parsimonious Modeling Solutions.” Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 27 (24): 4485–4503.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Roots (plants roots)

 How deep go the roots of a plant ? Certainly it depends on the age of a plant but for having a static idea, nothing is better than the collection of roots drawing that can be found at the Wageningen University repository.

Clicking on the figure, you can access it. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

How to make an iPoster with usual paper media

Most researchers aim to present their work at conferences, often considering an oral presentation as the ideal outcome. Conversely, being assigned to present a poster can sometimes be seen as a second choice. However, I believe this perception overlooks the unique opportunities posters provide. Interacting with attendees at a poster session often leads to more in-depth conversations than those following an oral presentation.

Recognizing this potential, some conferences, such as the European Geosciences Union (EGU), have innovated with new formats like the PICO (Presenting Interactive COntent) sessions. These sessions enhance the traditional poster experience by allowing researchers to present their work on touch screens, making the interaction more dynamic and engaging than paper posters. This approach has gained popularity and expanded over time.

Unfortunately, smaller conferences may not have the resources to provide touch screens for such interactive experiences. As an alternative, I've experimented with a method that partially recreates the PICO experience. The idea is to make the poster more visual and less text-heavy while incorporating QR codes that link to short videos explaining different parts of the poster. These videos can cover the abstract, references, and explanations of figures.

Implementing this iPoster strategy involves some technical steps: recording the videos, uploading supplemental material for immediate access, and creating QR codes. Recording videos is now straightforward; you can use a virtual meeting platform to record yourself presenting the poster. For hosting the videos and additional materials, I prefer using the Open Science Framework (OSF), which allows for the visualization of PDFs, videos, and Jupyter notebooks without needing to download them first. Videos can also be uploaded to platforms like YouTube or Vimeo.

Once you have your materials uploaded, you can generate QR codes using one of the many available online tools. Embed these QR codes into your poster at relevant points. This way, visitors can access the supplementary material directly from their mobile devices while viewing your poster, even if you are not present.

This approach enhances the traditional poster session, making it more interactive and informative. While there is always room for improvement, this method can significantly enrich the experience for both presenters and attendees.

Clicking on the Figure above you can see and download the iPoster Example. This was actually derived from this poster. For a more generic/general post on how to do poster, please give a look to this blog post. 

Everything is improvable !

Thursday, May 16, 2024

GEOframe-New AGE material for beginners

Dear User or Dear Explorer,

Here we aim to summarize some of the material related to GEOframe-NewAGE. The main source is certainly the GEOframe blog:

However, for a logical introduction, it may be useful to start here:

The most recent material on GEOframe-NewAGE is from the latest school, accessible from this point:

By following the links for each day, you can download the slides and watch the lesson videos. 

Another useful resource is provided through hydrological modeling tutorials:

GEOframe's infrastructure is based on the Object Modelling System v3:

Various papers and applications related to GEOframe have been written and developed; you can find them here:

For any further assistance, the GEOframe crew can be reached at

Please feel free to reach out  us if you have any questions. Next Winter School  on GEOframe-NewAGE will be in January 2025 from 7 to11 in Trento University.  Next Summer School (on Land-Atmosphere interactions will be June 2-6 2025.  This Summer will be holding one Summer School on GEOframe-NewAGE in El Cairo and one in Mumbay (both the last weeks of July).

Sunday, May 12, 2024

And finally we talk about isotope concentration

 If I understand correctly, colleagues arre measuring the concentration of an isotope in stream or some other catchment outlet.  This is quite not a measure of the age of water but the latter has to be inferred from  a hypothesis the system behavior, and possibly the knowledge of the distribution of water ages within the control volume, obtained iteratively from an initial data (derived from the isotopic data of precipitation).

Therefore, assume you have measured in the outflow a concentration of 5 of solute X in appropriate units. You mai have  the knowledge of the concentration of the same solute in the water of a given age resident in the control volume. It would be a tuple like (7,3,6,2) where the number of concentration is the number of precipitation happened before the present instant. The 5 units out of the tuple can be taken all from the oldest (7) concentration, from the youngest (3,2) where the 3 are out of the 6 of the penultimate concentration.
Therefore a concentration of 5 can be fitted with a water age of 4 in the first case or (3*2+2*1)/5=1.8 in the second case.

In fact, the concentration doesn't identify  the exact age of the water but rather a range of ages spanning from the "first in first out" age to the "last in first out" age illustrated in the simple example.
Potentially the old water is infinitely old and, therefore, the lower bound could be very large, while the upper bound for the ages is, clearly, related to the last rainfall age.
So, the division between young water and old water is reasonable. Instead of trying to guess the distribution, you're trying to guess parts of its integral.
Then SAS (StorAge Selection functions, see this previous post for understanding what they are) are summarizing the mechanics of mixing inside the control volume. If the waters mix a lot the travel time and the residence time should coincides  because of the uniform selection of isotopes (or tracers) among the various populations. SAS have a non trivial form if the mixing of waters is incomplete.
Due to the localized nature of water physics, the actual travel times are intricately linked to the specific location from which water emerges or is extracted from the soil. Within the unsaturated zone, it's logical to posit that newly introduced water is the first to flow out for two primary reasons: it occupies the empty pores, and these pores are typically where water is loosely retained. However, when young water mixes with old water in the saturated zone, the aquifer's pressure rises, causing a pressure wave that pushes out the oldest water near the streams.
Consequently, in a typical zeroth-order catchment, runoff tends to adhere to a "last in, first out" (LIFO) logic, while subsurface stormwater tends to expel old water first, following a "first in, first out" (FIFO) logic. Consequently, the recession of the flood wave is expected to contain a higher proportion of old water than young water. In this hypothetical simplified model delineating two distinct dynamics, and drawing from the aforementioned insights, it becomes feasible to estimate the global effect of the system, as proposed by Rigon and Bancheri in 2022 and applying the recent methods of TT probability determination.
Vegetation withdrawal we can think to extract water from the places where active roots are, according to root density. Plants with shallow roots should mostly sample young water, while plants with deeper roots wold sample older water but maybe also being effective in mixing water of different ages because of exudation and because of preferential water infiltration close to the roots.
The presentation (under construction) is exemplifying these concepts.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Large Language models in Earth Observation

If you've grasped the concepts discussed in the previous post, you're likely poised to explore how to effectively integrate them into your hydrological endeavors. However, you're not starting from scratch. Institutions like ESA and NASA have already outlined some of their applications through a series of posts and contributions. Machine Learning undoubtedly plays a significant role in Earth Observation and remote sensing analyses (see for instance here for an overview) or browse the activities of the RSLab for a perspective from the University of Trento. 

Here they are a list of interesting links that I collected:

After having read them I found that those links are give suggestions but at the end kind of work around the technical questions which I am looking for. 
I am sure that there exist many other resources on this topic, so, please do not hesitate to point my attention to them and I'll make the list grow. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Can Large Language Models be useful in Hydrology ?

I've been thinking about the potential utility of Language Model ( LLM ) applications in the field of Hydrology. Understanding requires delving into relevant literature and gaining a deep knowledge of how the statistical principles behind LLM operate (because they are statstical tools). The Wikipedia link above, on  serves as an initial source of information, offering some foundational understanding. But let's say that people working on the topics were rediscovering from a different point of view things already known and relabeling them according to a new jargoon. 

For restablishing a little of reasonable context, I would delve into Cosma Shalizi's opinion to gain deeper insights. Careful reading and analysis ad zoom back to recover missing information is necessary to grasp the nuances. However, reading Percy Liang, lecture notes for CS324, Large Language Models (Stanford) [especially looking to "Introduction", "Modeling" and "Training"]  is a definitive settlement of the matter.

Next, I turn to a valuable resource: a work in progress authored by Sebastian Raschka. This book promises practical exercises to fixing the knowledge, albeit still in development.

Disclaimer: I am in a learning process too. So this page will be subject to modifications.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Exploring the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum: Advancements, Integrated Modeling and Ecohydrological Insights, a Ph.D. Thesis by C. D'Amato

This thesis aims to address the complex issue of SPA interactions by developing a comprehensive set of models capable of representing the intricate dynamics of this system. At the core of this research lies the integration of sophisticated descriptions of hydrological and plant biochemical processes into a novel ecohydrological model, GEOSPACE-1D (Soil Plant Atmosphere Continuum Estimator model in GEOframe).

Through a combination of theoretical exploration, engineering methodologies, and empirical experiments, this thesis aims to advance our understanding of SPA interactions. The development of adaptable models, represents a significant contribution to the field. The thesis emphasizes the practical implications of employing models to analyze experimental data, thereby enhancing our comprehension of various phenomena.

In conclusion, this thesis provides valuable insights into SPA interactions and lays the groundwork for future research and applications. By embracing the challenge of under- standing and modeling the SPA continuum, this work contributes to the ongoing efforts to address environmental challenges and promote sustainable practices.  The thesis draft can be dowloaded by clicking on the figure. 


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Elementary Mathematics sheds light on plant Transpiration

By examining the derivation of Penn-Monteith-like equations for estimating evapotranspiration, one can uncover valuable insights into plant functionality. In essence, equations talk. For a more comprehensive and in-depth exploration of this topic, refer to this  erlier post
However, here you can find also the Jupyter  Notebooks and the data that were used to produce the figures in the presentation. The presentation itself can be found by clicking on the figure above. The paper, submitted to Ecohydrology, can be found as an Authorea preprint here

Friday, April 5, 2024

A series of talks and material on Transit (Travel) time, Residence time and Response Time

Here below we started a little series of lectures about a statistical way of seeing water movements in catchments that, while having a long history (e.g. Niemi, 1977, Rigon et al, 2016) has been largely renewed recently starting from Botter et al., 2010 and Botter et al., 2011. The material is the same prepared for the Hydrological Modelling class however grouped here separately for the readers convenience. 

An alternative perspective is presented here regarding their concepts. While certain passages may pose some challenges, the enhanced comprehension of flux formation processes at the catchment scale is, in my opinion, immensely valuable and well worth the effort. The proposed approach involves the following line of thinking: a) the collective fluxes within catchments result from the cumulative movements of numerous small water volumes (water parcels); b) parcels can be understood through three key distributions: the travel time distribution, the residence time distribution, and the response time distribution; c) the interrelations among these distributions are elucidated; d) linking these distributions to catchment processes is achieved through the formulation of age-ranked distributions within ordinary differential equations; e) the theory developed here represents a generalization of the unit hydrograph theory.

Some References
  • Benettin, P., Soulsby, C., Birkel, C., Tetzlaff, D., , G. and Rinaldo, A. (2017) Using sas functions and high resolution isotope data to unravel travel time distributions in headwater catchments. Water Resources Research, 53, 1864–1878. URL: http: // 
  • Benettin, Paolo, and Enrico Bertuzzo. 2018. “Tran-SAS v1.0: A Numerical Model to Compute Catchment-Scale Hydrologic Transport Using StorAge Selection Functions.” Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, January, 1–19.
  • Benettin, Paolo, Nicolas B. Rodriguez, Matthias Sprenger, Minseok Kim, Julian Klaus, Ciaran J. Harman, Ype van der Velde, et al. 2022. Transit Time Estimation in Catchments: Recent Developments and Future Directions.†Water Resources Research 58 (11).
  • Botter, Gianluca, Enrico Bertuzzo, and Andrea Rinaldo. 2010. “Transport in the Hydrologic Response: Travel Time Distributions, Soil Moisture Dynamics, and the Old Water Paradox.” Water Resources Research 46 (3).
  • Botter, Gianluca, Enrico Bertuzzo, and Andrea Rinaldo. 2011. “Catchment Residence and Travel Time Distributions: The Master Equation.” Geophysical Research Letters 38 (11).
  • Drever, Mark C., and Markus Hrachowitz. 2017. “Migration as Flow: Using Hydrological Concepts to Estimate the Residence Time of Migrating Birds from the Daily Counts.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution / British Ecological Society 8 (9): 1146–57.
  • Harman, Ciaran J. 2015. “Time-Variable Transit Time Distributions and Transport: Theory and Application to Storage-Dependent Transport of Chloride in a Watershed.” Water Resources Research 51 (1): 1–30.
  • Harman, Ciaran J., and Esther Xu Fei. 2024. v1.0: A Flexible Python Package for Modeling Solute Transport and Transit Times Using StorAge Selection Functions.†Geoscientific Model Development 17 (2): 477–95.
  • Hrachowitz, M., Benettin, P., van Breukelen, B. M., Fovet, O., Howden, N. J. K., Ruiz, L., van der Velde, Y. and Wade, A. (2016) Transit times-the link between hydrology and water quality at the catchment scale: Linking hydrology and transit times. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 3, 629–657. 
  • McDonnell, Jeffrey J. 2014. The Two Water Worlds Hypothesis: Ecohydrological Separation of Water between Streams and Trees? Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, April.
  • Niemi, Antti J. 1977. “Residence Time Distributions of Variable Flow Processes.” The International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes 28 (10): 855–60.
  • Rigon, Riccardo, Marialaura Bancheri, and Timothy R. Green. 2016. “Age-Ranked Hydrological Budgets and a Travel Time Description of Catchment Hydrology.” Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (12): 4929–47.
  • Rigon, R., and M. Bancheri. “On the Relations between the Hydrological Dynamical Systems of Water Budget, Travel Time, Response Time and Tracer Concentrations.”
  • Sprenger, M., Stumpp, C., Weiler, M., Aeschbach, W., ST, A., Benettin, P., Dubbert, M., Hartmann, A., Hrachowitz, M., Kirchner, J., McDonnel, J., Orlowski, N., Penna, D., Pfahl, S., Rinderer, M., Rodriguez, N., Schmidt, M. and Werner, C. (2019) The demographics of water: A review of water ages in the critical zone. Rev. Geophys., 2018RG000633. 
  • Schwemmle, Robin, and Markus Weiler. 2024. Consistent Modeling of Transport Processes and Travel Times: coupling Soil Hydrologic Processes with StorAge Selection Functions. Water Resources Research 60 (1).
  • Velde, Y. van der, P. J. J. F. Torfs, S. E. A. T. M. Van der Zee, and R. Uijlenhoet. 2012. “Quantifying Catchment-Scale Mixing and Its Effect on Time-Varying Travel Time Distributions.” Water Resources Research 48 (6): W06536–13.
  • Velde, Ype van der, Ingo Heidbüchel, Steve W. Lyon, Lars Nyberg, Allan Rodhe, Kevin Bishop, and Peter A. Troch. 2014. “Consequences of Mixing Assumptions for Time-Variable Travel Time Distributions.” Hydrological Processes 29 (16): 3460–74.
  • Wilusz, Daniel C., Ciaran J. Harman, and William P. Ball. 2017. “Sensitivity of Catchment Transit Times to Rainfall Variability Under Present and Future Climates.” Water Resources Research 53 (12): 10231–56.