Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The Hydrology Class 2022 - The Lab Page

Go to the Introduction/References

Go to the Foreseen Schedule

Photo by Michele Vettorazzi (Environmental Engineer and Photographer)

For the installations Go to the Software installation page, anyway do not miss the occasion to listen 2 Concetta D'Amato introducing it to you in Italian on 2022-03-21:
2021-02-28 Introduction to working with Jupyter and Notebooks
2022-03- 22
      • Counting the events and producing their empirical statistics (Vimeo2022)
2022-05-02 Estimation of  the intensity-duration-frequency curves with Python
With this class we start the determination of the rainfall extremes in a point. For obtaining this we make use of the PANDAS and the Matplotlib libraries of Python (3.*). The determination of the extremes is a necessary step in any engineering project that involves water flows. Constructions like sewage systems, dams, levees, all require the knowledge of the expected precipitation with an assigned return period.
Do not forget to have the data of  Pluviometria Paperopoli ready.

2022-05-09 - Introduction to the GEOframe/OMS3 system
Geoframe is a system for doing hydrology by computer. It provides the components to model all the compartments of the hydrological cycle with tools that follow various modelling philosophies. The main idea it deploys is that these components can be joined at run time with a scripting language to provide "modelling solutions". During this course we explore some possibilities it offers.

2022-05-09/10 - Modelling Evapotranspiration with GEOET
The second part of the lab regards the simulation of evaporation and transpiration. Three models are used, Priestley-Taylor, Penman-Monteith-FAO and the Prospero model in various combination. The estimation of radiation is an important part of the estimate. 

2022-05-23/24 - Estimating the infiltration with WHETGEO 1D
To model infiltration we use a 1D implementation of the Richards equation called WHETGEO, an acronym which stands for Water, HEat and Transport in GEOframe. These classes introduces the simulations with WHETGEO 1D step by step
  • A series of Notebooks with planned simulations for your inspiration (please pay attention that the environment geoframe_verona already contains some of the scripts that needed to be uploaded. The Example Notebooks use an obsolete version of the simulations though)

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