Sunday, February 21, 2021

The Hydrological Modelling Class: The lab

Go to:

2021-02-22 - Installations - For the Installation go to this GEOframe page and install all what required.
We are also going to install the Horton Machine toolbox

For Italian speakers, they can also give a look do not miss the occasion to listen to Concetta D'Amato introducing installations in Italian:

2021-03-15 - Some elaboration with the Horton Machine
2021-03-29 - Using The Horton Machine Toolbox - Part III (Vimeo 2021)
2021-04-30 - Nera catchment
  • DEM data
  • Python Notebook to visualize basins. Warning it requires some libraries like rasterio that are not at present inserted in the geoframe_rossano environment.
2021-05-03 - QGIS & Other Info 
For who has never seen OMS and GEOframe: an introduction to the GEOframe/OMS3 system
2021-05-07 - Working on the Nera Catchment
Today  we will work on the morphology of the Nera Catchment. We will use it for our simulations afterwords (we chose it because we have enough data to do a decent job). Therefore everybody will be asked to repeat the operations already illustrated in the classes of 15,22 and 29 of  March but  on a different catchment
2021-05-10 - Nera files
  • The Nera Project by Shima Azimi (This is the OMS3 project generated by Shima. You can generate your project by simply copying it and cleaning from the various specific files. The great of this is that you can redistribute executable, data, outputs and the scripts that drive the simulations all together to everybody with almost no effort)
  • The Jupyter Notebook for creating the .sim file in the appropriate folders (Vimeo 2021)
2021-05-14 - Nera files
For more details see also:
2021-05-17 - Dealing with time series
2021-05-21 - Dealing with time series II
2021-05-24 - Interpolation of  data
Interpolation of  ground station data is a necessary step for the simulations. The method used is the Kriging (see the lectures given March 1 and March 5 2021). Some issues can be risen when data has to be positive definite, like in the case of rainfall. To avoid them, the data can be transformed in such a way they obey a normal distribution. This technique is called Normal score and it is shown below. The example of interpolation is performed by using some available data that should be downloaded.
2021-05-31 - Radiation and Evaporation
When estimating the discharges with GEOframe-ERM,  we need to estimate the potential evapotranspiration. This, in turn, requires the estimation of radiation. In these lectures we remind how to do it.
2021-06 - A last step into the Embedded Reservoirs Modelling solution (ERM)
Previously we just used a prepared case with ERM on Nera catchment. Here we clarify some of the missing passages. 
  • How to create the sim files for the ERM simulations using the distributed environment Net3 (Vimeo2021)

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