Go to the Lectures
Used Software
- Python 3.* within Jupyterlab for scripting, and in particular the numpy, scipy, matplotlib and pandas es.
- Colaboratory and your google drive at University.
- Zenodo for the uploading of your final work.
- Docker , a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers (to see what it means, go here).
- Part of the GEOframe system for the various simulations
Lab Classes and Lectures
Python resources for hydrologists
- L - Reading an Excel File (Notebook, Data I, Data II, YouTube Live Video)
- Explorative data analysis and Simple statistics with Python's Pandas (YouTubeLive 2019)
- Reading a CSV file with PANDAS (YouTubeLive 2019)
- Plot data in a dataframe (YouTubeLive2019)
- Further Readings (Optional)
- Gaussian Distribution
- Where to find the data for your exercise
- Exercise by students
- Downloads stations data
- Draw A Gumbel curve following the examples of the Gaussian distribution
- Central Limit Theorem Illustrated
- Gamma Distribution
- Estimation of Extreme Precipitation with Python
- Exercise: Select randomly from a Gumbel distribution and empirically shows the effects of the central limit theorem.
- For estimating the Gumbel distribution parameters:
- Pearson's Tests (YouTubeLive2019)
- Estimating the intensity-duration-frequency curves (YouTubeLive2019)
2019-05 -19 - OMS and GEOframe
- Installations (Following the previous link a complete description). You have to Install:
- Java 8 JDK. Recently preferred site. Other information about here.
- Docker (Windows 10, Mac OSX, Ubuntu)
- OMS3 Console 3.6.2
- Introduction to the Object Modelling System (The manual chapter here, YouTube 2019)
- The Working Environment (The manual chapter here, YouTube 2019)
- The .sim files (The manual chapter here, YouTube 2019)
- GEOframe (YouTube 2019 Video)
- Working with GEOFRAME as a User (YouTube)
- Examples (All the material in the .zip files. Notebooks in /docs folder)
- ex_00 (zip files)
- Further examples can be found at the Winter School 2019 pages (in English) with videos.
- Richards 1d material: Downloading the material at the Github place you get also the documentation. The presentation in /Materials. The Notebook are in the directory /Jupyter_Notebook. Look first at the Notebook "README"
- Github place
- Further installations (netcdf and bokeh) YouTubeLive2019
- Richards 1d. (YouTube2018)
- Quick start information (YouTube2018)
- Same information as above 2 points in a unique piece. (YouTube 2019)
- Soil Water Retention Curves (Jupyter Notebook, Data, YouTubeLive 2019)
- How to prepare the input files for Richars 1d (YouTubeLive 2019)
- Hydraulic Conductivity(Jupyter Notebook, Data)
- GEOframe blog documentation (not yet included on Github)
2019-06-07 - Estimation of radiation in a point with GEOframe tools.
2019-06 - 7&12&14 - Evaporation and transpiration- Richards1d - Examples of the use of Richards 1d with two layers
- YouTube Live 2019 - I
- YouTube Live 2019 - II
2019-06-07 - Estimation of radiation in a point with GEOframe tools.
- Reading and analysing GEOFRAME radiation i/o files
- Reading a OMS-GEOframe file
- Github (Shortwave, Longwave, Clearness Index, NetRadiation)
- GEOframe (Shortwave, Longwave, Clearness Index, netRadiation)
- Other material and readings
- Reading and analyzing the outputs
- Implementing a 2D simulation with Richards
- Github
- Other material and readings
- Python notebooks