Thursday, July 16, 2020

Ph.D. position available for working on the Enhancing GEOframe to deal with anthropogenic influences on the hydrologic cycle of Tevere and Adige River

The candidate will be asked to extend the GEOframe system with tools to understand the anthropogenic impacts on the hydrological cycle on Adige and Tevere basins via the integration of hydrological modelling and satellite/ground based observations. They will start from an already existing solid base (operational at the ARPAB and implemented in various catchment around the world) and tries to answer the following research questions: how much human activities is impacting mountainous region and which will be the main challenges in the future ? How water resources should be allocated to respond to the future needs ? How to best manage water resources among the competing interests ?The Ph.D. candidate will take care of the implementation of a suite of modelling solutions for the Adige and the Tevere river basin with specific focus on some subcatchments.
In general the research activities will aim to fuse information from any available source and especially remote sensing of snow, soil moisture, surface temperature, vegetation with model components of new type developed inside the GEOframe platform The project is part of a wide spectrum of collaborative research activities between UniTrento, IRPI-PG and EURAC.
The candidate will take care of implementing, besides the code, the appropriate procedures for continuous integration of the evolving source code, and s/he will be also asked to maintain a regular rate of commits to the common open platform. Despite these conditions, and being free and open source, the code will be intellectual property by the coder. This will be guaranteed also by the components-based infrastructure offered by OMS3, which allows to better define the contributions of anyone.
The implementation part will be followed, accompanied by testing activities, either for mathematical consistency, than for physical consistency with experiments and field measurements.

The Ph.D. student is intended to produce, besides working and tested codes, also at least three papers in major journals (VQR Class A), of which, at least one as first Author. Duration of the doctoral studies could be three or four years.

Further information of the policies of the Trento research group can be found:

Supervisor of the Ph.D. will be Riccardo Rigon, Christian Massari and Silvia Barbetta. Same information can be found at the AboutHydrology blog.
Information for application can be found at the AES doctoral studies page. Please pay attention to the deadline for applications.

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