This is the material of the Laboratory Class of the Hydrology Class 2020. You can find the class material here.
1: Programs Installation
- Installations (Zoom2020). For installations you can also see this Installation of the geoframe-vicenza environment with Anaconda (Zoom2020)
- Material to download:, geoframe_vicenza.yaml,
- BTW how to upload a library in Python with Anaconda in Windows10 (YouTube2020)
- L - Reading an Excel File with PANDAS (Notebook, Data I, Data II, YouTube Live Video)
Also here, same topic, by Concetta D'Amato (YouTube2020, Data).
2020- 04-29 - Exercise with Python
- Explorative data analysis and Simple statistics with Python's Pandas (YouTubeLive 2019)
- Reading a CSV file with PANDAS (YouTubeLive 2019, YouTubeVideo2020)
- Plot data in a dataframe (YouTubeLive2019)
- Gaussian Distribution (YouTube2020)
- Where to find the data for your exercise
- Exercise by students: Draw A Gumbel curve following the examples of the Gaussian distribution
- Optional:
- Estimation of Extreme Precipitation with Python
- Exercise: Select randomly from a Gumbel distribution and empirically shows the effects of the central limit theorem.
- For estimating the Gumbel distribution parameters:
- Use moments (Vimeo2020 - Getting the parameter with the moments methods)
- Vimeo2020 - Plotting the curves and the data
- Jupyter Notebook about previous topic cleaned and with problems solved
- Use maximum likelihood (YouTubeLive2019, Vimeo2020)
- UseMinimum squares (YouTubeLive2019, Vimeo2020)
- Pearson's Tests (YouTubeLive2019, Vimeo2020 Parte I,YouTube2020 Parte II)
- Estimating the intensity-duration-frequency curves (YouTubeLive2019, YouTubeLive2020-I,YouTubeLive2020-II)
- Some extras hints for your Notebooks
- How to import map and images in Jupyter
- A template for the Notebook of precipitation maxima
2020-05-15 - Storyboard of the class
Simulations with Richards 1D:
- Introduction to the Object Modelling System (The manual chapter here, YouTube 2019,YouTube2020)
- The Working Environment (The manual chapter here, YouTube 2019,YouTube2020)
- The .sim files (The manual chapter here, YouTube 2019,YouTube2020)
- The main features of the Console (YouTube2020)
- Further examples
- The OMS Project for Richards1d to download
- Where the Jupyter Notebooks for Richards 1D are (YouTube2020)
- BTW how to upload a library in Python with Anaconda in Windows10 (YouTube2020)
- The grid creation (YouTube2020)
- A series of Notebooks with planned simulations for your inspiration (please pay attention that the environment geoframe-vicenza already contains some of the scripts that needed to be uploaded explicitly the examples)
- Richards 1D part II (YouTube 2020)
- Discussion of the .sim file (YouTube2020)
- Richards 1D part III (YouTube 2020)
- Example of simulation (YouTube2020)
- Almost starting from the scratch (YouTube2020)
Estimating evaporation and transpiration
- A few notebooks on radiation, functional to the estimation of Evaporation and Transpiration
- Priestley-Taylor
- Generalities (YouTube2020, Vimeo2020)
- Executing the GEOframe component (YouTube2020 - I, YouTube2020 -II, All together: Vimeo2020)
- On plotting time series (YouTube2020)
- Penman-Monteith FAO
- Material to download
- Penman-Monteith-FAO (PMF) (YouTube2020, Vimeo2020)
- Eseguire PMF in GEOframe - Part I (YouTube2020)
- Eseguire PMF in GEOframe - Part II (YouTube2020)
- Eseguire PMF (all together: Vimeo2020)
- 2020-06-03
- Prospero (YouTube 2020)
- How to use the Prospero model (YouTube2020)
- A notebook for treating time series (of evapotranspiration, Vimeo2020)
- Extra material for who interested:
Additional material (on radiation)
We need radiation too. The topic is very boring (or technical?) but necessary to who want to do evapotranspiration and snow. After all radiation moves it all.
- Radiation (YouTube 2017).
- The Sun (YouTube 2017)
- Stefan-Boltzmann law and radiation spectrum (YouTube 2017)
- Sun to Earth (YouTube 2017)
- Coping with latitude and longitude (YouTube 2017)
- Atmospheric Absorptions (YouTube 2017)
- Clouds (YouTube 2017)
- Coping with terrain (YouTube 2017)
- Long wave radiation (YouTube 2017)
- Table of symbols
- Readings:
- Corripio, J. G. (2002). Modelling the energy balance of high altitude glacierised basins in the Central Andes. Ph.D Dissertation, 1–175.
- Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous terrain. Int. J. Geographical Information Science, 17(1), 1–23.
- Formetta, G., Rigon, R., Chávez, J. L., & David O. (2013). Modeling shortwave solar radiation using the JGrass-NewAge system. Geoscientific Model Development, 6(4), 915–928.
- Formetta, G., Bancheri, M., David, O., & Rigon, R. (2016). Performance of site-specific parameterizations of longwave radiation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 20(11), 4641–4654.
- Various material from the AboutHydrology blog
- Q&A - Some questions on radiation, your answers and my comments.