Friday, May 30, 2014

Printers 3D, Arduino and hydro-meteorological stations

One of the innovative works I  had the occasion to see at the 2014 AGU Fall Meeting was the use of two emerging technologies to build low cost hydro-meterological stations. The poster was presented by Jay Ham of CSU, and a copy of it can be downloaded here.

The corner stones on which everything is built are 3D printers (Lulzbot Taz 2.0, Airwolf 3D) and the Arduino software.

A full set of instrument was presented, and frankly, I think it can be a viable way to do reasonably accurate measures and, at the same time, to multiply them ... or teaching the right way to students what an instrument is about the bottom up. The other aspect that I liked very much is that all of this is Open Hardware, a category that I never saw before. The software professor Ham built for running his weather station is  available on github.
If I never thought to build my instruments before, now I am seriously tempted to do something.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Snow (Neve)

As I did for the other "theoretical" part of my classes, I split here the old slides, in Italian indeed, in parts. Questo per un più semplice accoppiamento delle slides con l'audio delle lezioni.

Alcuni webinar (seminari via web) in inglese, sulla neve sono indicizzati qui.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Evaporation and Transpiration (In Italian)

Here my slides about evapotranspiration of my class of Hydrology.  Ho suddiviso le slides originali in varie parti, anche per rendere più facile l'accoppiamento delle slides con l'audio.^1

Altri posts sull'evaporazione e la traspirazione possono essere trovati qui.

^1 - Questo in verità e' anche il primo passaggio per una completa ristrutturazione del tema che pero' richiedera', credo, un po' di tempo.
^2 - Nella tesi manca un passaggio semplice e fondamentale, credo dovuto a Prandtl, in cui la fluttuazione di velocità verticale, è assunta proporzionale al modulo della componente orizzontale della velocità. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Stealing from Dennis Baldocchi ;-)

Dennis Baldocchi (GS) is one of the major contributors to studies of plant-atmosphere interactions.  Recently he also published a book on this topic, entitled Terrestrial Biosphere-Atmosphere Fluxes with Russell Monson (nice videos at his site).  I think the book is "must have" for hydrologists, even if after my first quick reading I realised that the approaches to some (more hydrological) topics perpetuate the "standard model" and interpretations of turbulence (but, it is a textbook!): full of up-todate-information  indeed^1.
 However, he also have the merit to put a lot of material in his group website, including slides and lectures. You can find them here:
Also available are some conferences talks which include videos. For instance:
  • Estimating Evaporation everywhere

  • Measuring and Interpreting Fluxes of Trace Gases Across Local and Global Networks:

^1 - Do not try to lear thermodynamics from here (look here instead). At least from chapter 2. Nothing especially wrong indeed, but very far from the clearness of my favorite books.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

R General References

You can start from here:
Interesting posts (mainly from R Blogger)
An finally this nice guide entitled: hipsteR re-educating people who learned R before it was cool.

If you have further questions, ask Stackoverflow

If you managed to learn how to write function, please decide to make a package. Emanuele Cordano found this nice post on github explaining why to do (thinking to  statistics).

An alternative pathway of instructions is here.

IUH and GIUH methods for modelling discharges (in Italian)

This contains the material, in Italian, that I use for my classes. It is old and the new material is here instead.

Please find below the old material with audio lectures.

Le slides sulla teoria dell'idrogramma istantaneo unitario e dell'idrogramma istantaneo unitario GEOmorfologico (credo un metodo non convenzionale di mostrare la materia per un corso di Costruzioni Idrauliche). Audio: IUH (31.1 Mb), Alcuni Tipici IUH (5.9 Mb), GIUH (16.8 Mb), sulle portate massime  (17.4 Mb)

Le note [pdf, 11 Mb] scritte sullo stesso tema e su altri di idrologia, funzionali al corso. Le note hanno ormai qualche anno e non sono completamente allineate con le slides. Tuttavia ritengo sia meglio averle che non averle.

Il tutorial di Peakflow (che è un modello per il calcolo delle onde di piena nei bacini naturali. La parte di teoria contiene una descrizione della teoria del calcolo delle portate massime - alle sezioni 5 e 6 - che è la stessa usata da Trento_p).

For the English an further references on GIUH see the English post (not yet ready).

Monday, May 19, 2014

Acceptance speech given by Andrea Rinaldo for his Doctoral Degree Honoris Causa

Andrea Rinaldo was awarded last Thursday, May 8th, of a Ph.D.  honoris causa From Québec University under the auspices of the INRS. As one of his former students, now colleague and friend, I was invited to participate at the ceremony held at S. Servolo Island in Venice. Beautiful day indeed, preceded and followed by a workshop in which, we, the group of friends talked freely about our research.
Andrea started with his talk on spreading of diseases, very similar to the one you can find here

In his speech  professor Rinaldo distilled many of his beliefs about academy, research and their role in society. Please find here the transcript of the speech

My selection among my favorite statements:
About our mission:
-“Indeed learned Institutions (among which I count Universities, research Institutes and Academies) can and should do something to counteract the short-sighted, short-term attitude that permeates today’s society. We can because we are not in charge of today’s economy and science, but rather of the economy and the science 20 years from now. This is so because the people we educate will create the economics and scientific research of the future.”

About Nature and Engineering:
“ … The hydrologist knows that the very idea of conservation becomes meaningless if not misleading in such cases. Mankind, in such fragile and unstable environments, should design the desired ecosystem services (physical, biological, cultural, strategic to name a few) and engineer them, unregretfully and wholeheartedly (as was demanded to the Serenissima Repubblica, say, through the diversion of five major freshwater tributaries of the lagoon through almost the entire course of history)… “

Citing Mandelbrot:
«clouds are not spheres, mountains are no cones (…) coastlines are not circles nor does lightning travel in a straight line».

Citing Kantorowicz: (also in the speech given by Rodriguez-Iturbe when granted of the Laurea honoris causa at University of Genova, years ago):
“We are not university employees subject to usual job discipline – to be a professor is to be of a different calling. In Kantorowicz’s own words: «There are three professions which are entitled to wear the gown: the judge, the priest and the professor. This garment stands for its bearer’s maturity of mind, his independence of judgement, and his direct responsibility to his conscience and his god.»  This is because we are the University.”

On  pursuing the good:
“The Swiss system, on the contrary, is based on trust – one that if breached calls for the system to react vehemently, and yet sees reward as the logical consequence of the work, appreciates success as the sign of the work behind it without treating it with suspicion and despise.  It is a system made to trigger positive feedbacks from visionary policy.”

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Process-based hydrological modelling of Alpine catchments

This last 2014 EGU we were invited to talk at HS2.1.2 session: Advances in Integrated Process-Based Distributed Hydrologic Modeling organised by Matteo Camporese and co-conveners. Giacomo Bertoldi (GS) gave it, and talked mostly about his own research on echohydrology of alpine catchments. His presentation shows very well his recent work and exploits the capabilities of GEOtop that were not presented at AGU last Fall. You can enjoy his presentation here.

His own collaborator, Johannes Brenner, completed the view with a second presentation that can be found here.

Monday, May 5, 2014

The uDig Spatial Toolbox paper

This post contains the data and the synthetic instructions that can be used to draw all the Figures of the book chapter about the Udig Spatial Toolbox. The chapter is here.

The material includes:

 - the DEM of the above Posina basin
- a "How to" for using the Spatial Toolbox  (work in progress)
- some  R scripts for doing the additional Figures.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Growth and Form - Morphogenesis

In my studies about the growth and form of river networks, I actually also touch several other works on the same subject and in other disciplines. I would not say that they are unrelated (see, for instance the Banavar et al, PNAS paper, where the very same principles we apply to river networks are used to explain the Kleiber's law).

Anyway some of these readings are summarised in web page of the Imperial College dedicated to morphogenesis of plants, that I reproduce here verbatin:

"The word morphogenesis is a composition of the Greek words morphê (shape) and genesis (creation) to indicate the process of generation of a particular shape. Morphology, the science of forms, was first made esplicit by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) in his botanical writings “Zur Morphologie“ (1817). The classic work by D'Arcy Thompson (1860-1948), "On Growth and Form" (1917), completely embraced the idea of a quantitative study of the way forms are created (morphogenesis) in living organisms. The third major contribution towards a refinment in the analysis of morphogenesis is due to Alan Turing in his seminal paper "The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis" (1952), where a family of mathematical models (reaction-diffusion models) is proposed to describe examples of pattern formation during morphogenesis in living organisms.
  When studying morphogenesis, it is important to define a method to measure forms (morphometrics) and the transformation of forms in time (morphodynamics). "

Water in Soil and Aquifers (mostly the first and in Italian)

This post collects the slides about water in soil (and some very short note about aquifers) for my class of Hydrology (they are in Italian). The old version was replaced by a series of short presentations:

  1. I suoli. Audio 2014  (23.6 Mb). Audio 2015 (28.7 Mb)
  2. Le faldeAudio 2014 (5.9 Mb). Audio 2015 (7 Mb)
  3. Definizioni. Audi0 2014 (4.1 Mb). Audio 2015 (5.4 Mb)
  4. Darcy-Buckingham. Audio 2014 (16.3 Mb). Audio 2015 (14.5 Mb)
  5. Le curve di ritenzione idrica. Audio 2014 (21.7 Mb). Audio 2015: a (14.3 Mb); b (5.8 Mb)
  6. La conducibilità idraulica. Audio 2014 (16.8 Mb). Audio 2015:  a (5.7 Mb); b (5.8 Mb)
  7. L'equazione di Richards. Audio 2014 (15.4 Mb). Audio 2015 (18.1 Mb)
  8. Le pedotransfer function. Audio 2014 (8.2 Mb). Audio 2015 (6.1 Mb)
  9. Semplificazioni dell'equazione di Richards in un versante. Audio 2014 (11.9 Mb). Audio 2015 (18.4 Mb)
  10. Richards 1D (una soluzione analitica). Audio (10.9 Mb)
  11. Richards 3D (la fenomenologia e alcune interpretazioni ottenute grazie alla soluzione numerica). Audio 2014 (9.4 Mb).  Audio 2015 (11 Mb)
  12. Un pò sull'effetto del substrato eterogeneo e sui macropori (sui macropori si veda anche questo post e la letteratura ivi citata). Audio 2014 (7.2 Mb).  Audio 2015 (7.8 Mb)
  13. L'equazione delle acque sotterranee. Audio 2015 (5.7 Mb)
  14. Misure 
  15. Notazione
A video (in English) on some of the above arguments (almost the same slides), can be found here.
 Qui anche delle note, non del tutto up-to-date rispetto alle slides, ma utili da leggere.


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SOILPAR: By Acutis and Donatelli
ROSETTA: , uses artificial neural networks, last accessed, 2009- 11-01, last accessed, 2009-10-29

Friday, May 2, 2014

GIS history

I found on the web some interesting contributions on GIS history.

The various source origin of these contributions reflects the particular nature of this science and its community made of academics, practitioners, computer scientists, and others ...
If you want to know about the American GIS research communities, a good starting point can be the paper by Liang Mao: here