Matteo Dall'Amico (
see previous post on GEOtop installation) also provided instructions for compiling MeteoIO on Linux). For Mac OS instructions, please see this post.
# Check the environment compiler
sudo apt-get install make
sudo apt-get install g++
# Install the following packages (or verify you have them already). For Linux:
# install SVN
sudo apt-get install subversion
# install
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install cmake-curses-gui
# install
gdal libraries
sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev
# install
proj libraries
sudo apt-get install proj-bin
sudo apt-get install libproj-dev
# After having selected your directory for installing meteoIO libraries with the usual console commands
# download the source code from the SVN:
svn co
# then go inside the trunk folder
cd /path_to_MeteoIO_SVN/trunk/
# and type the cmake command:
ccmake .
# Press enter in the console and then "c" to configure:
Please set to ON:
PROJ4 (then you have to verify the paths to LIBPROJ and to LIBPROJ_INCLUDE_DIR)
All the rest can be set to OFF.
# Then, press "g" to generate the makefile and exit from the console.
# In the terminal, type:
make install
# (with "sudo" if you want to install it as super user).
# Eventually, you have to make the system aware of the new library by typing:
sudo ldconfig -v
After having installed meteoIO, in the needs to understand what it does, one can browse the examples in the "doc" directory. However, s/he can also built the
doxygen documentation. Please be sure that you have Doxygen installed. For doing it, please first check you have doxygen installed. Subsequently:
- using a terminal move to the directory where the meteoIo source code is located.
- execute "doxygen -g <configfile>" to create a configuration file, "configfile" for the project
- execute doxygen <configfile> to create the documentation
- Find the documentation in a new html directory created
- Access it by clicking on the index.html file