Sunday, February 10, 2019

My Hydraulic Construction Class 2019

The new class  is obviously based on the previous classes:
There are some changes however, partially due to the different calendar. The course is essentially divided in three parts:
  • Rainfall analysis and statistics
  • How to design a storm water management system (SWMS)
  • How to design an aqueduct


Rainfall analysis and statistics is essential to the design of the storm water system and requires some use of Python in Jupyterlab. Design of the SWMS requires the use of some Python, QGIS 2.18, GISWATER and SWMM softwares. The aqueducts require the use of QGIS and its plugin QEPAnet that implements the tool for estimating pressure water called EPANET.  All these tools are open source.

More specifically:
  • Python - Python is a modern programming languages. It will be used for data treatment, estimation of the idf curves of precipitation, some hydraulic calculation and data visualisation. I will use Python mostly as a scripting language to bind and using existing tools. 
  • QGIS is a Geographic Information System. GIS are an essential tool for who works on landscape or planning infrastructures extended on the territory. 
  • SWMM - Is an acronym for Storm Water Management System. Essentially it is a model for the estimation of runoff adjusted to Urban environment. I do not endorse very much its hydrology. However, it is the most used tools by colleagues who cares about storm water management, and I adopt it. It is not a tool for designing storm water networks, and therefore, some more work should be done with Python to fill the gaps.
  • EPANET Is the tool developed by EPA to estimate water distribution networks. 
Installation Instructions (for Windows) by Daniele Della Torre:




As you can infer from the previous lines, the class needs to learn some hydrology, some hydraulics and the use of various softwares. As I try to explain in the Syllabus lesson, the first day, there is no space for exploiting all the possibilities implied by the software, nor even to go very deep in the theory of hydrological processes and even in the design of the systems. The student has to become comfortable with the idea that they (singular they) is going to get an introduction to all these topics and they will need further studies to use professionally the received information.  

Foreseen Schedule

T -  stands for a mostly theoretical class
L -  stands for a class in the lab

Precipitation analysis and statistics (and an intro to Python scripting)

2019-02-25 -


Storm Water Management System Design

2019-03-25 -  T - Introduction to Storm Water Management System Design
2019-03-25 - L - Working with GISWATER
2019-04-01 T - Elements for the design of stormwaters management systems -I
2019-04-04 - L - Using QGIS and GIS Water for designing the Storm Water Management System

2019-04-08 T - for the design of stormwaters management systems - II
2019-04-15 (Room 2F - 9 a.m.) Intermediate test (Questions pool).

2019-04-30 Grades of Intermediate test

2019- 05 -02

2019-05-02 - OSF for Italians


As a general, simple and descriptive reference, the first six chapters of Maurizio Leopardi's book can be useful :
The state of the water supply in Italy is summarised here (Corriere della Sera, 2018-05-16)

Some Examples of presentations on the projects of this class:
Other interesting examples of presentations (from the course "Progettazione di acquedotti e fognature):

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