Wednesday, December 16, 2020

One Year Grant on the management of River Po catchment and related water resources.

 To whom it may concern, River Po Authority, issued a grant for a one year to apply the system GEOframe to the river Po.  The person interested is requested to:

  • Implement and deploy the GEOframe system on the catchments of the District, including the main lakes and reservoirs
  • calibrate and verify the models
  • elaborate and the results 
  • Using and applying the interface Deltares FEWS/DEWS
  • Doing Analyses of the impacts of different choices of the water resources management also accounting for the climate change or modifications of land use
  • Improving the models
Previous knowledge of the tools above is preferred but not required. Good will is better than erudition.

The position is in Parma, at the District Authority but interactions with our group in Trento are foreseen to happen at daily basis. The working in Trento includes, at present, Prof. Riccardo Rigon, Prof. Giuseppe Formetta, one post-doc, one Ph.D. student, one master student. Dr. Christian Massari and Dr. Silvia Barbetta of C.N.R. IRPI in Perugia collaborate to the project, too.   If colleagues reading this post wish to join our crew, at present on a free basis (we have no that incredible money), but looking forward for a challenging collaborative research, they are welcomed. 
We are also looking for other funding resources to get new positions.
FYI, the District will probably hire many people on the next years, and therefore, our addiction, this position as well the others could be a way to learn some skills allowing to be overcome the selection to be hired.  We, at University of Trento, are also interested to people who could eventually be enroll for doctoral studies on the topics of the call. 

You can find the official information of the call at the site of the District Authority Further information about the system GEOframe can be obtained at the GSW2021

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