Thursday, January 7, 2016

Integration of a Three-Dimensional Process-Based Hydrological Model into the Object Modeling System

This paper represents a first step of the unavoidable integration of GEOtop into OMS. I spent a lot of words in favour of this, and I cannot repeat it.  the paper abstract says:

The integration of a spatial process model into an environmental modeling framework can enhance the model’s capabilities. This paper describes a general methodology for integrating environmental models into the Object Modeling System (OMS) regardless of the model’s complexity, the programming language, and the operating system used. We present the integration of the GEOtop model into the OMS version 3.0 and illustrate its application in a small watershed. OMS is an environmental modeling framework that facilitates model development, calibration, evaluation, and maintenance. It provides innovative techniques in software design such as multithreading, implicit parallelism, calibration and sensitivity analysis algorithms, and cloud-services. GEOtop is a physically based, spatially distributed rainfall-runoff model that performs three-dimensional finite volume calculations of water and energy budgets. Executing GEOtop as an OMS model component allows it to: (1) interact directly with the open-source geographical information system (GIS) uDig-JGrass to access geo-processing, visualization, and other modeling components; and (2) use OMS components for automatic calibration, sensitivity analysis, or meteorological data interpolation. A case study of the model in a semi-arid agricultural catchment is presented for illustration and proof-of-concept. Simulated soil water content and soil temperature results are compared with measured data, and model performance is evaluated using goodness-of-fit indices. This study serves as a template for future integration of process models into OMS.

How is sweet to begin a year with a new publication. Have a nice reading (by clicking on the figure or here). 

1 comment:

  1. Really informative blog, Great thanks for sharing post about integration of a three-dimensional process-based hydrological model into the object modeling system. This post is helpful for me.

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