Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Geomorphological modelling in 2020

This presentation, I gave in Perugia for the Italian Days of Hydrology 2015, is part of the long march towards the construction of a reasonable and modern physico-statistical theory of the water budget at catchment scale. This includes previous talks and posts on Residence/Travel time theories that were recently renewed by the work of my friends Rinaldo, Botter, Bertuzzo, Benettin (the younger scientific brother) and others.
It starts with a little of history, and it follows, at the beginning, the recent paper on GIUH theory.
 I do not pretend the presentation is very clear. Without any doubt it requires more than one reading, and the new ideas are just sketched in the last slide, not fully developed. Personally, however, I fill pretty satisfied with these seeds today, also because I feel that I could grab the core of the travel time distribution theories in a way that is understandable by most.


  1. Last slide... I am fully available for sharing satellite soil moisture data for the comparison with the surface soil layer.

    1. Dear Luca, you are the first in the list of the new code as soon as it will be available.
