Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The daemons of water times

This that you find on Authorea is an elaboration of what I used with my students to teach them what residence times and travel times are in catchment hydrology. Probably I can expand it to be more comprehensive of all the aspects but for the moment it can be a starting point.
I introduced three fictional characters to talk about of the perspectives we can have on the kinematics of water parcels, the little daemons She, He and They. She records what happens inside the catchment. He look at the boundaries. They makes calculations. If you are interested in these stories, click on the figure.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Since quite a while, I read, enjoyed and indexed in AboutHydrology the Math3ma  ("Mathema") blog by Tai-Danae Bradley. I enjoyed for the choice of the topics that I found stimulating and connected to my own research on hydrological networks and the way the material was presented. She graduated recently and produced one of the best ever non-technical introduction to scientific work I have seen.
I guess that any Ph.D. student should be motivated to produce similar products because the habits to expose their own research in widely understood concepts helps them to focalize what is important in their research and it is simply good for science in any case.
By clicking on the figure, you will be redirected to the you Tube video. The original blog-post is instead here.  The dissertation can be found on arXiv. The topic is generically a reflection on how to connect subsystems and which mathematics ca be useful to this scope. But certainly watching the ten minutes video gives a much better information.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Plants structure and Transpiration

Tommaso Anfodillo  (GS)  was invited by Mirco Rodeghiero (Publons) to give a seminar about his studies on soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC). In particular Anfodillo studied plants' physiology and observed that xylem in stems is particularly developed to minimize water resistance that is mostly concentrated in leaves. This is a great result for modelling.
Please find his presentation by clicking on the Figure below. The video instead is directly embedded
