Wednesday, July 20, 2016

OMS Summer School 2016 - What we actually did

This is what we actually did at the Summer School on OMS3. Here you will find slides and material (actually, it is already presented in the Colorado State University site), but I will document here a little more.  (The material of the Winter School 2019 is quite more informative that this, which is left however for completeness)


Wuletawu Abera (University of Trento, Italy)
Olaf David (Colorado State University, Fort Collins, US)
Giuseppe Formetta (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, UK)
Tim Green (Agricultural Research Service, Fort Collins, US)
Greg McMaster (Agricultural Research Service, Fort Collins, US)
Scott Peckham (University of Colorado, Boulder, US)
Riccardo Rigon (University of Trento, Italy)
Francesco Serafin (University of Trento, Italy)
Marialaura Bancheri (University of Trento, Italy) 

Monday -  Introduction, Component-based Modeling Concepts 

09:00 - 12:30 Scope of the class
  • Class introduction (Rigon) - I could not be present, so someone talk in my place. 
          I think what I would have to tell you is here.
          Other information on Naming things in hydrology is here. However, Scott's                presentation 2 is pretty informative.
14:00 - 17:30 Getting Started with OMS(David)

Tuesday -  OMS Introduction

09:00 - 12:30 
  • Component Integration (David)  Presentation 
  • The Water tank example (Peckham, David) 

      The water tank  example is very simple, but very illustrative of what a model is. Today there is a         tendency to think lumped models as a set of tanks with rules for moving water. I will do a post             soon for it.

14:00 - 17:30 OMS Basic Building Blocks (cont.) Step By Step 
  • Project structure, components, simulations, file formats, annotations, etc. ( )
  • Simulation Development. (scripting, testing, component connectivity, Examples
  • Thornwaite Waterbalance Model example
References: Annotations, DSL, CSV, OMSConsole

Wednesday Modeling Applications I

09:00 - 12:30 Hydrological modelling JGrass-NewAGE (Abera)

14:00 - 17:30 Model calibration algorithms in NewAge-JGrass(Formetta)


References on JGrass-NewAGE can be found here. References on the Horton Machine can be found here. Maybe for most of you is a mystery what Pfafstetter numbering is. You can find information here. If someone has further doubts on components, they are documented on the GEOFRAME blog. If you do not have experience with calibration algorithms, you could start from some recent paper by Hoshin Gupta.

Addedum. Giuseppe added also a presentation of what he did on simulating landslides triggering with GEOtop (by embedding it in OMS3).

Thursday Modeling Applications II 

09:00 - 12:30 Agricultural Ecosystem Services (AgES) Watershed Model (Green)
  • Model Description  
  • How to run AgES in the OMS Console (Quick Start)
  • Brazil case study (streamflow)
  • Colorado, USA case study (distributed soil moisture)
AGEs is a "storages" based model, meaning that, as many other modern models, is based on the concept of intercommunicating storages. Physical contents are highly parameterised, but the model works. One of the model characteristic, which is common to other agricultural-oriented hydrological models, is the subdivision in small parcels with multiple communications among them (called Hydrologic Response Units). Interesting also the slides regarding the complexity of models.

14:00 - 17:30 Plant growth modeling with AgES (McMaster)

Monday, July 11, 2016

The first taste of Ne3 (netree) (at IEMSs in Toulouse)

We had this presentation, this morning at IEMSs, about some of the many lines of work where Francesco Serafin (his blog here) is developing his Ph.D research. The origin of the work is that modelling basins is to model hillslopes (or Hydrologic Response Units, HRUs) connected by a river network. Most of what happens in HRUs is independent from what happens in the others. Some instead is aggregated by river network. So why do not use this natural structure to organise modelling and processes (and send them in parallel, when possible, using the tree structure) ?
Actually this can grow more, since many systems (a plant, ecological interactions, hydrological interactions), can be seen described over a graph of interactions. So the Ne3 can become a more general way to investigate natural systems. However, you can enjoy the presentation, by clicking on the figure above.  Ne3 source code written so far in on Github.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

JGrass-NewAGE at IEMSs in Toulouse 2016

JGrass-NewAGE is growing and the readers of this blog know it. We are presenting the state-of-art-of the infrastructure in Tolouse IEMSs biennial meeting, and the presentation that will be given by Marialaura Bancheri is below (click on the Figure).
Improvements are not only on the number of components, but also in their internals. Many components now runs faster and are less error-prone. At the end of the presentation you can find the links to relevant papers. Enjoy!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Climaware Trailer

Do people know what us scientists do ? In trying to make the people aware of our project, we produced (Nadja Grasselli director, together with Daria Akimenko) this trailer about our project CLIMAWARE.
CLIMAWARE - Trailer from LMN - Liminale Räume on Vimeo.

The full video where we try to explain who we are and what we do is here.