My studies on shallow landslides were not purely theoretical but directed to make safer the mountain environment in which I live. Therefore, since the beginning of my activities there was an effort to convert theoretical results into practical tools, which, in turn, helped research. These guidelines written for the Danube Flood Risk Project come with this attitude. The work was also supported by the IRASMOS EU Project and, more recently, from the Trento Province. While reading the guidelines themselves is probably the simplest way to approach the mapping of landslide triggering according to my perspective, I also make public the presentation that I gave last and this year on the subject.
The first presentation is an introduction to the subject of hydrological hazards in mountains areas and the topic of guidelines:

The second contains and comments some applications of the guidelines on catchments in Trentino.

All the operation seen (except for the very recent CI-SLAM model) can be reproduced using the tools in the Spatial Toolbox of uDig or using GEOtop.
Beven, K J and Kirkby, M J. 1979, A physically based variable contributing area model of basin hydrology Hydrol. Sci. Bull., 24(1),43-69
Beven, K, Rainfall-runoff modelling: the primer, Wiley, 2001
Borga, M., G. Dalla Fontana, F. Cazorzi, Analysis of topographic and climatic control on rainfall-triggered shallow landsliding using a quasi-dynamic wetness index, Jour. Hydrol., 268, 56-71, 2002
D’Odorico, P. and R. Rigon, Hillslope and channels contribution to the hydrologic response, Water Resour Res, 39(5) , 1-9, 2003
Lanni, C.; McDonnell, J. J.; Rigon, R., On the relative role of upslope and downslope topography for describing water flow path and storage dynamics: a theoretical analysis, Hydrological Processes Volume: 25 Issue: 25 Pages: 3909-3923, DEC 15 2011, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8263
Lanni C., J. McDonnell JJ, Hopp L., Rigon R., "Simulated effect of soil depth and bedrock topography on near-surface hydrologic response and slope stability" in EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS, v. 2012, (In press). - URL: . - DOI: 10.1002/esp.3267
Lanni C., Borga M., Rigon R., and Tarolli P., Modelling catchment-scale shallow landslide occurrence by means of a subsurface flow path connectivity index, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 9, 4101-4134, www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci- doi:10.5194/hessd-9-4101-2012, (in press at HESS)
Other papers and material about landslides can be found in this blog following the "Landslides" label.
Beven, K J and Kirkby, M J. 1979, A physically based variable contributing area model of basin hydrology Hydrol. Sci. Bull., 24(1),43-69
Beven, K, Rainfall-runoff modelling: the primer, Wiley, 2001
Borga, M., G. Dalla Fontana, F. Cazorzi, Analysis of topographic and climatic control on rainfall-triggered shallow landsliding using a quasi-dynamic wetness index, Jour. Hydrol., 268, 56-71, 2002
D’Odorico, P. and R. Rigon, Hillslope and channels contribution to the hydrologic response, Water Resour Res, 39(5) , 1-9, 2003
Lanni, C.; McDonnell, J. J.; Rigon, R., On the relative role of upslope and downslope topography for describing water flow path and storage dynamics: a theoretical analysis, Hydrological Processes Volume: 25 Issue: 25 Pages: 3909-3923, DEC 15 2011, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8263
Lanni C., J. McDonnell JJ, Hopp L., Rigon R., "Simulated effect of soil depth and bedrock topography on near-surface hydrologic response and slope stability" in EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS, v. 2012, (In press). - URL: . - DOI: 10.1002/esp.3267
Lanni C., Borga M., Rigon R., and Tarolli P., Modelling catchment-scale shallow landslide occurrence by means of a subsurface flow path connectivity index, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 9, 4101-4134, www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci- doi:10.5194/hessd-9-4101-2012, (in press at HESS)
Other papers and material about landslides can be found in this blog following the "Landslides" label.
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