Thursday, July 4, 2024

A Ph.D. position on snow modelling and the related runoff production

 APPLY TODAY ! There is an opening until July 10 (<---Here it is the link) for a Ph.D. position on the SpaceItUP and SUPER project(Snow and glacier rUnoff Production in alpine RivER basins 1990-2050)

Due to climate change, the Alpine region is experiencing a reduction in snow quantity (snow droughts) and an increase in evapotranspiration losses (green water), with significant consequences for sustainable water resource management and ecosystem preservation. This project aims to develop new models to quantify snowmelt and evapotranspiration losses, providing practitioners with calculation tools that are different from traditional lumped parameter models but simpler than 3D process-based models. The project also intends to study the water content obtained from snow and glaciers, from the present to 2050, in the Po and Adige river basins, assessing both quantitative and temporal variations in contributions. The primary tools for the analyses will be the open-source models of the GEOframe system, integrated, modified, and improved by the new models. The modeling will be supported by the acquisition of Earth observation products derived from the MODIS and Sentinel platforms, and potentially other platforms as data becomes available. The final product of the research, concerning snow forecasts, will be developed on a regular grid of 250 meters, while flow rates will be produced for each section of interest. The analyses for the control period from 1990 to 2022 will be conducted on both daily and hourly scales, providing a valuable "reference data cube." Future projections will be produced on a monthly scale. As part of enhancing the current state of the art, which is typical for a doctoral project, reliability criteria and error estimation methods will be developed for each produced dataset. The work will be done in collaboration with dr. John Mohd Wani as co-advisor. Collaborations can include working and exchanging ideas with dr. Christian Massari (GS), Professor Manuela Girotto (GS), Prof. Stefan Gruber (GS), Giacomo Bertoldi (GS)Kelly Gleason (GS), Marco Borga (GS) and Stefano Ferraris (GS).
Old work on snow and permafrost of the group can be found here (to be updated soon).
 The deadline is approachinf very fast, therefore APPLY! To better understand the policies of the group, please give a reading here 

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