Saturday, October 28, 2023

CARITRO Project: Snow droughts e green water: how climate change modifies the hydrological cycle in the Alpine Region.

Due to the impact of climate change, the Alpine region is experiencing a dual effect: a decrease in snowfall leading to snow droughts, and an increase in water losses through evapotranspiration, also known as green water. These changes have significant implications for the sustainable management of water resources and the preservation of ecosystems. This project, funded by the CARITRO foundation, aims to address these challenges by developing innovative models to accurately quantify snow melt and evapotranspiration losses. The ultimate goal is to provide practitioners with user-friendly calculation tools that are more advanced than traditional lumped models but less complex than intricate "process-based" 3D models. Initially proposed by Niccolò Tubini, the project has been taken up by John Mohd Wani with minimal modifications.  

The complete project plan can be found here

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