WHETGEO-1D (Water HEat and Transport in GEOframe) is a physically based model simulating the water and energy budgets in a soil column. WHETGEO-1D is developed as an open-source code, adopting the Object-Oriented paradigm and a generic programming approach to improve its usability and expandability. WHETGEO-1D is fully integrated in the GEOframe/OMS3 system allowing the use of the many ancillary tools it provides. It comes on top of several years of work on engineering software, discussing and debating about Richards equation, taking care of getting appropriate integration methods in a travel that crossed hydrology, mathematics, numerics and software engineering. Click on the figure below to access the paper.
The code is really solid and was throughly tested over the last three year by my students of the Hydrology class and in various applications. Its inputs and outputs can be analyzed by using Python and some standard Notebooks prepared to help the user to do it. The paper has been submitted to the Geoscientific model development discussions (GMDD) and it is available for discussion to everyone and can be obtained by clicking on the Figure above. Complementary material is present in the GEOframe blog. The paper comes with its software, documentations and test and the GEOframe blog post explains where all of it is. You did a nice job Niccolò Tubini!