Friday, November 6, 2020

What is meant by programming a system product

 Here I just reproduce the very first pages of  The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering. Addison-Wesley which clarify the main concepts I experimented in my programming models.

"The Programming Systems Product One occasionally reads newspaper accounts of how two programmers in a remodeled garage have built an important program that surpasses the best efforts of large teams. And every programmer is prepared to believe such tales, for he knows that he could build any program much faster than the 1000 statements/year reported for industrial teams. Why then have not all industrial programming teams been replaced by dedicated garage duos? One must look at what is being produced. 

In the upper left of Fig. 1.1 is a program. It is complete in itself, ready to be run by the author on the system on which it was developed. That is the thing commonly produced in garages, and that is the object the individual programmer uses in estimating productivity. There are two ways a program can be converted into a more useful, but more costly, object. These two ways are represented by the boundaries in the diagram. Moving down across the horizontal boundary, a program becomes a programming product. This is a program that can be run, tested, repaired, and extended by anybody. It is usable in many operating environments, for many sets of data. To become a generally usable programming product, a program must be written in a generalized fashion. In particular the range and form of inputs must be generalized as much as the basic algorithm will reasonably allow. Then the program must be thoroughly tested, so that it can be depended upon. This means that a substantial bank of test cases, exploring the input range and probing its boundaries, must be prepared, run, and recorded. Finally, promotion of a program to a programming product requires its thorough documentation, so that anyone may use it, fix it, and extend it. As a rule of thumb, I estimate that a programming product costs at least three times as much as a debugged program with the same function. Moving across the vertical boundary, a program becomes a component in a programming system. This is a collection of interacting programs, coordinated in function and disciplined in format, so that the assemblage constitutes an entire facility for large tasks. To become a programming system component, a program must be written so that every input and output conforms in syntax and semantics with precisely defined interfaces. The program must also be designed so that it uses only a prescribed budget of resources—memory space, input-output devices, computer time. Finally, the program must be tested with other system components, in all expected combinations. This testing must be extensive, for the number of cases grows combinatorially. It is time-consuming, for subtle bugs arise from unexpected interactions of debugged components. A programming system component costs at least three times as much as a stand-alone program of the same function. The cost may be greater if the system has many components. In the lower right-hand corner of Fig. 1.1 stands the programming systems product. This differs from the simple program in all of the above ways. It costs nine times as much. But it is the truly useful object, the intended product of most system programming efforts."

The reading of this classic is a great pleasure:

Brooks, Frederick Phillips, and Frederick P. Brooks Junior. 1995. The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering. Addison-Wesley.

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